Useful Links


The school re-opens for the new academic year on Monday 3rd June 2024.  The year will consist of three terms demarcated by short holidays – i.e. Onam and Christmas.  The re-opening day of Term I is a half day till 12.00 noon, for all the pupils.

AFFILIATION :  We are affiliated to the Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.  We do the ICSE (X) and ISC (XII) Examinations.  The Council has framed a National Curriculum for Stds I to VIII and has made it mandatory that all Council schools follow it.

MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION: While English is the medium of instruction in school, the emphasis is on our mother tongue Malayalam, up to Std II. Malayalam is taught as a Second Language from Std III to X. Additionally, Hindi / French is offered as a Second Language from Std VI to X for children who have not studied Malayalam before.

REPORTS are given to parents twice (half yearly and annual)  which should be collected from the Class Teachers on the dates announced. In addition to this mid-session reports will be sent to parents. Till Std. VII there are no examinations conducted by the school.  Children are graded according to regular tests/projects/presentations which may follow every unit that is taught.  Besides Unit Tests, in Std. VIII there is an Annual Examination.  Generally, there is no detention in Stds. I to VIII.

Class Teachers will call the parents on a regular basis to establish a rapport and discuss the progress of their child.  Parents of residential pupils may call  the office / hostel  and  fix  an  appointment  to  meet the teachers between 1.30 and 2.30 p.m. on the days they come to collect their children.

PRIVATE TUITIONS are not allowed.  Exceptions to this rule will be only by written permission from the Class Teacher and the Principal.  Any student taking private tuition without permission will not be allowed to attend  regular  classes  in that particular subject.  While he/she may write the exams, the paper will not be corrected by Pallikoodam teachers.  This applies to classes up to Std. X. We believe that over-teaching of routine school subjects is counterproductive. An exception is made only for students in Stds XI and XII.


Kalari 9.00 am to 12.30 p.m.
Nursery and Std I 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. (They may stay till 2.10 p.m.)
Stds II, III and IV 8.00 a.m. to 2.10 p.m.
Stds V, VI, VII, VIII and IX 7.45 a.m. to 2.10 p.m.
Std X 7.45 a.m. to 2.10 p.m.
Std XI 7.45 a.m. to 2.10 p.m.
Std XII 7.45 a.m. to 2.10 p.m.

Extra Curricular activities will take place from 2.20 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Second Saturdays and Fourth Saturdays are holidays for ALL classes.  In case of ‘hartals’ or unanticipated holidays, Saturdays will be working days. Changes may be made to compensate for lost working days. 

All Saturdays are holidays for Nursery Class, Stds. I, II, III, IV.   

First and Third Saturdays are working days for Stds V to XII. These will be bagless days when the children will be provided skill-oriented classes like carpentry, pottery, gardening etc.

Swimming workshop, Yoga and Class P.T. for Stds. VIII – XII will be from  7.30 a.m. to 8.15 a.m. Students are to be present in the respective classes / areas by 7.25 a.m.

Singing for Stds. V –XII starts at 7.30 a.m.

 PUNCTUALITY :  It is important to arrive for class / activities on time to take full advantage of the school schedule. Suitable measures will be taken against late comers.

SAFETY MEASURES :In the interests of road safety and the protection of pupils from accidents, the main school gate at K.K. Road will remain closed during school hours. On all days in the morning cars may enter the school campus through the main gate and drop the children at the waiting shed area on all days. In the afternoon the Main gate will be opened  and cars may be parked at the Parking lot between 1.30 p.m. and 5.30 p.m and on Saturdays from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.  The Rubber Board Road entrance may be used during school hours and on special occasions.

ANNUAL CLOSING DATE :  We have given you dates in the calendar for the annual closing of school.  However, these dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances such as excessive heat or water shortage  during the month of March.  Please note that attendance is compulsory on the opening and the closing day of each term, plus for any programmes put up in school.  Kindly ensure that travel arrangements are made accordingly so that it may not clash with any evening programme.

LEAVE :  Most children in this town live in  close-knit communities where family functions are innumerable. We therefore are compelled to make general clarifications about requests for leave, which the school finds acceptable.  These are as follows:

  • Weddings of siblings, aunts, uncles and first cousins.
  • Engagements of siblings.
  • Baptism of a sibling.
  • Student’s own house-warming ceremony.
  • Death of a very close relative.

Parents are requested to send a formal letter in advance mentioning the number of days of leave required. Sanctioning of leave will be at the discretion of the school.  You are welcome to take leave for your child for any other occasion you may consider absolutely necessary, provided, the child makes up for the classes that have been missed. 


This is a co-educational school where due respect is given to both boys and girls.  They participate in all activities as equals and enjoy a healthy relationship which is one of the most precious memories that our Alumni cherish.

We have to take steps to see that a healthy relationship does not deteriorate into one that is unacceptable.

In keeping with the ethos of Pallikoodam students will behave on the campus with utmost respect to one another and avoid inappropriate friendships. Complaints by parents, teachers or students about the misbehavior of any student will be investigated immediately  and action will be taken based on discussions and recommendations of the Class teacher and the Management.

POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment): Complaints concerning sexual harassment will be promptly investigated, and actions will be taken following consultations with legal counsel, senior staff, and management.

SOCIALLY USEFUL AND PRODUCTIVE WORK (S.U.P.W.) is a compulsory subject for the ICSE (X) and ISC (XII).  Parents would do well to read the Council Regulations regarding S.U.P.W.  A failed grade in S.U.P.W. indicates failure in the exam.  A child may be detained in any class if performance in S.U.P.W. is not satisfactory.  S.U.P.W. may be done during the holidays.  For this purpose, a syllabus is attached as Appendix-A.  It is advisable that you treat it seriously and see that your child attains the required grades of proficiency.

Please encourage children to read books, periodicals, magazines, answer the phone and talk to guests intelligently and politely.  They should take an interest in health foods and exercise and should be well versed in etiquette.

Social responsibility begins with individual responsibility.  All students will cooperate in maintaining  hygienic bathrooms / toilets, neat and tidy classrooms and a zero waste campus.   

SPORTS AND CULTURAL SKILLS  are compulsory activities. We have an exhaustive list of cultural skills offered in this school.  None of these come free.  Like everything in life, there is a reasonable price tag.  The positive aspect is that your child will know to sing, to use paints, model clay, to swim, to speak in public, to act, to dance, to cook, to type, to use the art of self protection and yoga.  These abilities should come as naturally to an educated person as does the act of breathing.  It is compulsory that all pupils from Std. V upwards, have a minimum of two skills.  In Std IV, the pupils should have at least one extracurricular activity.  Grades are recorded for these activities. Pupils should have a minimum of one activity that is physical and one non physical. No pupils will be exempt from extra-curricular activities based on religious sentiments.   One activity should be done in school. Attendance ,punctuality and disciplined behavior in these activities are compulsory. Residential pupils may be required to take more activities as recommended by the Warden.  It is important that they be kept constructively occupied after class hours. High school students missing such activities have to make up the shortfall in attendance before the Term Examinations. 

BUNKING CLASSES :  Bunking classes and leaving the campus during school hours is prohibited.  The punishment is one week’s suspension.  Please impress upon children that they must not leave the school at odd times.

All forms of bullying be it emotional, verbal, physical, sexual or cyber are strictly banned in the campus. Ragging which is the most despicable activity is also banned.  Even the mildest form of bullying / ragging is likely to be met with expulsion.

School furniture and property must be treated with respect. Damage done intentionally or due to improper use will lead to disciplinary action and parents will be expected to contribute to part or all of the cost of repair / replacement.

ELECTRONIC GADGETS such as mobile phones, walkmans, i-pods, laptops,  electronic games, cameras etc. are not permitted on campus.  Gadgets that are confiscated will only be returned to parents, after a fine has been paid to the Accounts office.It is advisable that children not be given individual smart phones.

*  Cameras may be used on special occasions with the permission of the Principal.

*  Watches are not allowed during examinations. Smart watches are banned on campus.

Possession or consumption of alcohol, drugs and tobacco is strictly prohibited. Those pupils found with these substances will be expelled from school after informing the Police.   

HEALTH FOODS :  Only vegetarian food is permitted during school hours.  This is an effort to encourage a balanced diet.  However this may be relaxed on special occasions. Healthy food is served by teachers in Nursery Class and Stds I to IV every term. Children are encouraged to learn Table Etiquette.

The following food and drinks are banned.

  • Aerated drinks of any description
  • Chewing gum
  • Fried packaged savouries like Kurkure, Lays etc
  • Chocolates like Cadbury, Snickers, Mars etc.
  • Plastic is banned on campus. Children can bring food only in stainless steel boxes.

BIRTHDAY TREATS :  Students of Nursery Class, Stds. I – V can bring one item to class (cake or pastry).  Stds. VI – XII may bring only one item of any of the following:  unwrapped sweets like chocolate balls, doughnuts, cookies, brownies or Indian sweets like peda, ladoos or jelebis. Please restrict the number of treats to the number of children in their class.

The school has no objection to holding birthday parties at home that are chaperoned and include all the members of the class. Please inform the class teachers well in advance. As a policy we disapprove of parties held in hotels, clubs etc, as such parties are not age appropriate and encourage unnecessary show and splurging of money.

DAY STUDENTS admitted to this school must reside with parents.  They may not stay with other relatives in Kottayam.  They are expected to leave school immediately after class.  Children who have opted for an extracurricular activity in school are to remain in the school library till the activity commences.   They may not enter the classrooms after school hours. They can leave campus only after all the activities for the day is done. Day students are not permitted to enter Dorms at any time.

Residential Pupils who have been committed to our care may not visit or stay the day or the night with friends unless parents have given us prior permission in writing. Pupils of NRIs may attend school as day students when their parents are in town.  This is only permitted once in an academic year.

PICKING UP CHILDREN AFTER A PROGRAMME:  Parents must not ask children to wait alone or in small groups on K.K. Road or Rubber Board Road in the late evening or at night after a programme for their cars to collect them.  It is dangerous.  They can wait at the Administrative Block till parents pick them up.  A security person will always be at this area.  Cars can drive into the campus from the Rubber Board Road through our rear gate, and exit through the Main gate on K.K.Road after a programme. 

CAR FERRY: Parents/Grandparents, who find it difficult to walk up our steep slopes can always ask for the school car to transport them.  This also applies to pupils who are not able to negotiate our steep steps. Temporary Car Passes are available from the office for pupils undergoing medical treatment. These passes have to be returned as soon as the child is able to walk to class.

EXCURSIONS :  Every class is taken on one or more excursions.  Participation is compulsory.  We enclose a general waiver of responsibility which will cover all outings for this academic year.  Please sign and return it to the office. 

STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES WITHIN INDIA AND ABROAD : The Principal will announce dates for these Exchange Programmes.   Parents will be expected to ‘host’ visiting children.  Similarly our students will stay with host families on these programmes. Other details will be supplied as and when necessary.  Participation in an Exchange is highly recommended, though not compulsory, owing to financial constraints. 

NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL : One full term’s notice should be given for withdrawal  from school, if not, one term’s fee must be paid in lieu of such notice. The expression “TERM” does not include the holiday months of April and May.  

 DRESS CODE : 2023 -  2024

 NURSERY CLASS : There is no uniform.  Shorts and ‘T’ shirts are acceptable.  Shorts should be above the knees and should only have the side pockets.  Extra pockets are not permitted. There may be no bows, ornamental buttons, frills, ribbons, lace, sequins and shiny silver/gold or plastic embroidered motifs.

STDS I, II, III & IV: Girls and boys will wear tailored grey shorts and small checked shirts of any colours. This uniform will be displayed at the School Office and at Pulimoottil Silks, Kottayam.

UNIFORM FOR STDS V, VI, VII, VIII & IX: Girls and boys will wear tailored grey shorts or capris / skirts and small checked shirts in any colour.  This uniform will be displayed at Pulimoottil Silks, Kottayam.

STDS X, XI & XII: There is no uniform.  However, boys and girls will wear formal shorts, trousers or capris.  Shirts must be of reasonable length. Only cotton material may be used for this. Synthetic and baniyan material are not permitted. Girls can wear pleated/flared skirts that are one inch above knee.

This dress code applies from Mondays to Fridays and examination days. Regular fit Jeans are permitted on Saturdays with collared T-shirts or Tops. On bagless Saturdays we recommend students wear shorts/track pants.

Tight miniskirts, low-rise trousers, faded trousers and trousers which trail on the ground, jeggings and leggings, ‘T’ shirts, low necked tops, sleeveless and short tops are not permitted. Boxers and leggings are not allowed. Also refer Hair and Accessories.

  • White T-Shirts and black or grey track suits for Yoga.
  • All items of clothing and miscellaneous articles brought to school must be marked with the pupil’s name.
  • If clothes are unacceptable, we will immediately buy suitable substitutes and charge the parents accordingly.

P.T. AND SWIM WEAR: Pupils will wear shorts and T-shirts, thin-soled, canvas, laced, coloured /white P.T. shoes and socks for P.T.  T-shirts should be long enough to be tucked into the shorts.   Pupils must have swim suits / swim trunks / goggles and caps for use in the pool. Boys and girls have to wear a V-cut swim wear. Full body swim suits may be allowed on special grounds.

White shorts, white T-shirts, white socks and white Canvas Shoes are compulsory for the sports meet. 


NC, STDS I to IV Chungadi pavada and blouse
V to VIII Chungadi or Kavani pavada and blouse
STD IX Churidar set
STD X Set mundu
STD XI Kerala saree with appropriate, modest blouses
STD XII Coloured saree with appropriate, modest blouses
NC, STDS I to XII Juba and pyjama or mundu

FOOTWEAR: NURSERY CLASS TO STD IV   sit on the ground during class time.  They will therefore use sandals.  Socks are not necessary.  During Term I, all students must use rain resistant floaters.  Gym shoes with laces or velcro and socks must be worn during the Second and Third terms by pupils in Stds. V to XII. Please have separate shoes for PT and another pair for the class.Crocs are not permitted. 

HAIR AND ACCESSORIES: Long hair must either be plaited or tied in bunches for both boys and girls in the Middle and High School classes.  Short hair for all students in the Junior School is recommended for easy maintenance and lice free hair. Tattooing and other body art is prohibited. Coloured hair is not permitted.  Costume jewellery, perfume and make-up may not be used in school.  Expensive items of jewellery, nose rings for girls and earrings for boys are not permitted.


School phone numbers: 0481 2578123 / 0481 2572961


School email id: 

School website:


  • Online Fee Payments can be made from the 1st of May to 20th of May 2024 for all classes.
  • Fees can also be paid according to the given schedule at our Accounts Office between 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Fees for the whole year can also be paid along with the Term I fees.

Payment Schedule:

  • Day Scholars of Nursery, Stds I, II, III, IV:
    • Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th May, 2024
  • Day Scholars of Stds V, VI, VII, VIII:
    • Thursday 16th and Friday 17th May, 2024
  • Day Scholars and Residential Pupils of Stds IX, X, XI & XII:
    • Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st May, 2024
  • Residential Pupils of Stds I to VIII:
    • Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May, 2024 from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. only

  • Fees once paid will not be refunded. Duplicate copy of receipts will incur an extra charge of Rs. 200.00
  • Residential pupils must check in clothes and other belongings on the day they pay the Term I fees. Those who have paid the fees online are to check in clothes and other belongings between 23rd and 25th May 2024.
  •  The fees of the younger siblings may be paid along with those of the older children.
  •  Parents of day scholar pupils of Stds V to XII may collect the text books and note books from the class teachers on either 22nd or 23rd May 2024 after fees have been paid.
  • Crossed Drafts/ Cheques for School fees must be drawn in favour of Pallikoodam.
  • Crossed Drafts/ Cheques for Hostel fees must be drawn in favour of C.C. House.
  • Due to repeated unpleasant experiences with students in Stds XI & XII, we are compelled to insist that all residential pupils in these classes pay Hostel Fees for the whole year.
Payment of Term II & Term III
Residential Pupils
  • Term II fees: Pay either online or in person on Friday 13th September 2024.
  • Term III fees: Pay either online or in person on Friday 20th December 2024.
Day Scholars
  • Term II and Term III fees: Pay before the fifth working day of the term between 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
  • Late fees carry a fine of 5%. No reminders will be sent.

:  Charges for these are shown below.  Payment may be made through our Accounts Office along with the Term Fees.

Activity Fees Per Term
1 Bharathanatyam Rs. 3,000.00
2 Carnatic Vocal Rs. 2,500.00
3 Karate Rs. 2,500.00
4 Guitar Rs. 3,000.00
5 Recorder Rs. 2,500.00
6 Organ Rs. 2,500.00
7 Violin Rs. 3,000.00
8 Yoga Rs. 750.00
9 Zumba Dance Rs. 750.00



Kalari Stationery  500


Nursery Rs.  1000 Rs. 600.00 Rs. 1600.00


I Rs.  450.00 Rs.  1150.00 Rs. 600.00 Rs. 2200.00
II Rs.  650.00 Rs.1200.00 Rs. 600.00 Rs. 2450.00
III Rs.2600.00 Rs.1450.00 Rs. 600.00 Rs. 4650.00
IV Rs.2650.00 Rs.1500.00 Rs. 600.00 Rs. 4750.00


V Rs.3200.00 Rs. 1000.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.4700.00
VI Rs.4000.00 Rs.   850.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.5350.00
VII Rs.3950.00 Rs.   900.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.5350.00
VIII Rs.3750.00 Rs.   900.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.5150.00
IX Rs.5200.00 Rs. 1400.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.7100.00
X Rs.5250.00 Rs. 1100.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.6850.00
XI (Science) Rs.5600.00 Rs. 1250.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.7350.00
XI(Commerce) Rs.5500.00 Rs.1050.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.7050.00
XI(Humanities) Rs.5850.00 Rs.1250.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.7600.00
XII(Science) Rs.6750.00 Rs.   900.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.8150.00
XII(Commerce) Rs.6060.00 Rs.   740.00 Rs.  500.00 Rs.7300.00
XII(Humanities) Rs.4300.00 Rs.   950.00  Rs.  500.00 Rs.5750.00


  • Payments of the above must be made along with the Term I Fees.
  • Please see that every book is covered and labelled by 3rd of June 2024.

Procedure for online fee payment. 

  • Login to
  • Click on the Online Fee Payment icon on the Home page
  • The State Bank Collect page will be displayed. Then you need to select the relevant “payment category”*
  • Enter the Student’s  Admission Number (please refer to the Term Report), and Click on “Fetch Payment Details”. The Student’s details along with the fee to be paid will be auto generated.
  • Verify the same and input the Name, Date of Birth and Mobile Number of the person making the payment (For reprinting receipts at a later date)
  • Tick the Terms and Conditions, Enter the Captcha and Click Next.
  • Then proceed to the payment page and you can select the appropriate Payment Mode
  • Payments may be made through Net banking, Credit Card, SBI Branch Challan, NEFT Challan and UPI modes **
  • After completing the payment, the Receipt will be generated. You can take a print out of this for your personal records.
    • Please select the relevant payment category:
      • ‘Term fees’
      • ‘Canteen lunch collection’
      • 'Breakfast collection'
      • 'School Bus Fees'
    •  If you are unable to make the payment through Net Banking, Credit Card or other UPI modes, you can choose one of the following options, and make the payment by going to the Bank:
  • 1.Click on NEFT, then print the ‘NEFT Remittance Form’ and submit it to your bank for it to be transferred to the School account.


  • 2.Click on ‘Branch’, then print and submit the ‘Pre-Acknowledgement Payment Form’ along with the cash to any SBI branch.


  • There will be one trip in the morning and one trip in the afternoon.
  • Please note there has been no change in the rates for the school bus from 2023-2024.
  • There will be a van service after 4:30 pm on Mondays through Thursdays, to take students home, after their extracurricular activities like Karate and Dance. If you have opted for round trip services, you can use the van service without additional payment.

School Bus Routes

Bus Route

Pallikoodam – Collectorate - Via Shastri Road – Kurian Uthup Road – Nagambadom – S. H. Mount - Kumaranalloor - Sankranthi – Adichira - Thellakom - 101 Kavala – Parolikal – Ettumannoor – Athirampuzha - MG University – Ammancherry – ICH - Medical College – Arpookkara – Panampaalam – Pulinchuvadu – KIMS – Pullarikunnu – Varissery – Chungam – Chalukunnu – Arthootty - CMS College - Baker Junction – Sashtri Road - Logos Jn – Kanjikuzhy – Pallikoodam

Bus charges for both trips (morning and afternoon) will be as follows:

  • Pallikoodam to Baker Junction – Rs. 9,000/- per term
  • Pallikoodam to Kumaranalloor – Rs. 15,000/- per term
  • Pallikoodam to Ettumanoor – Rs. 17,000/- per term

New Van Route

Pallikoodam – Manorama – Central Jn. – T.B. Road – Kodimatha - Manipuzha  - Nattakom – Pallom – Pakkil Kavala – Kaduvakulam – Divan Kavala/Nalkavala - Kollad – Devalokam – Muttambalam – Madukkani – Manganam – Mandiram - Puthuppally – Manarcad - Vadavathoor - Pallikoodam.

Van charges for both trips (morning and afternoon) will be as follows:

  • Pallikoodam to Central Jn. Kottayam., Devalokam, Macroni, Manarcad   – Rs. 9,000/- per term
  • Pallikoodam to Kodimatha, Nalkavala, Kollad, Puthuppally – Rs. 15,000/- per term
  • Pallikoodam to Manipuzha, Nattakom, Pallom, Pakil, Kaduvakulam – Rs. 17,000/- per term

The school bus / van may be used by day scholars in Nursery, Std. I to Std VIII and also by pupils from Stds. IX to XII provided there are seats available, either for the morning trip only or afternoon trip only or both ways.

No child may board the bus / van unless parents have signed the waiver, which is available at the school office.  Please submit a recent passport size photo of the child along with the waiver.

BREAKFAST:at Rs. 40/- is available for day scholars in all classes. Payment for a Term must be made at the Accounts office along with the Term fees.

A SCHOOL LUNCH at Rs. 60/- is available for day scholars. Payment for a Term must be made at the Accounts office along with the Term fees.





The important thing in Typing is getting the correct fingers on the keyboard. After the holidays, children will be tested on typing words and a paragraph to show competency in this skill.

Stds IV & V ASDFG (Left hand) HJKL; (Right hand)
Stds VI & VII ASDFG (Left hand) HJKL; (Right hand)
QWERT (Left hand) YUIOP (Right hand)
ZXCV (Left hand) BNM,. (Right hand)
Stds VIII to XII Start on Speed rubric of letters and passages.




  • A dough for Puri / Chappati.
  • Full boiled and half boiled eggs.
  • Preparing a tea tray for a visitor or a patient.
  • Preparing Horlicks, Complan, Lime juice and other Beverages.
  • Toast with butter / Jam / Peanut buttter
  • Lining a cake tray.
  • Using a balance.
  • Using liquid measure.

STDS. V and VI

  • Tea / Coffee / Juice / Cold Coffee
  • Eggs : Half boiled / Hard boiled / Fried / Omelette / Scrambled
  • Simple sandwiches
  • Pancake
  • Garlic bread
  • Chappathi rolls
  • Butter cookies
  • Salads / Fruit salads
  • Simple biscuit puddings / Chocolate balls
  • Savoury snacks
  • Steamed bananas
  • Curried buttermilk
  • To prepare rice flour for making puttu


  • Salads
  • Pan rolls
  • Soups
  • Rice / Rasam / Sambar /
  • Thoran/ Kachimor
  • Porridges
  • Curd rice
  • Chappathi and Dhal
  • Bakes / Pie
  • Caramel custard / Easy, simple puddings
  • Bread rolls
  • Banana fritter
  • Noodles
  • Upma
  • Potato bonda
  • Bajji
  • Savoury snacks
  • French fries
  • Milk payasam
  • To make custard


Breakfast :

  • Continental :
    • Eggs
    • Oats / Ragi porridge
    • Muffins
    • Toast
  • South Indian :
    • Dosa
    • Idli
    • Upma
    • Idiyappam
    • Puri
    • Puttu with Curries


  • Rice
  • Thoran
  • Ulathu
  • Kachimor
  • Sambar
  • Pachadi
  • Avial
  • Chicken & Fish preparations


  • Chappathi
  • Puri
  • Noodles
  • Channa Batura
  • Veg / Non
  • veg bakes
  • Pizzas
  • Pasta


  • Puddings
  • Payasam
  • Cheese cakes
  • Souffles
  • Basic cakes and Cookies.



  • How to prepare a pot for planting, growing cuttings, seedlings and bulbs.


  • Prepare a pot for planting, growing seedlings, cuttings and bulbs.
  • Nurturing the plant.


  • Repotting plants, preparing a flower bed, budding, grafting, weeding and pruning.


  • Use of the sewing machine. Stitching pillowcases, edges of sheets, towels, handkerchiefs etc. Fixing fasteners. Practice embroidery stitches.



  • Washing dishes
  • Washing clothes
  • Folding clothes
  • Laying a table
  • Washing / polishing shoes Making a bed
  • Dusting furniture
  • Drawing, painting,sketching
  • Riding a bicycle
  • Sweeping a room
  • Watering plants
  • Attending to telephone calls
  • Dining table etiquette Sewing using matti and simple embroidery stitches


  • Drawing, painting and handwork
  • Use simple household gadgets – mixie, toaster, juicer, vacuum cleaner
  • Washing and ironing clothes, Cleaning wash basins and sinks
  • Dusting furniture, Washing car / scooter
  • Looking after potted plants


  • Drawing, painting, sketching and handwork
  • Cleaning a fridge
  • Cleaning rooms, bathrooms, toilets
  • Changing a bulb
  • Washing and ironing clothes
  • Tying a fuse
  • Washing car / scooter
  • Changing the washer of a tap
  • Riding a two wheeler
  • Use of the sewing machine
  • Mending clothes, fixing fasteners
  • Practice embroidery stitches, cutting and tailoring.

Decide on your own SUPW projects. You can bring these to school for vetting on certain pre-determined days. Start these projects on your own or in groups.


  • Regular visits to institutions for handicapped children / adults.
  • Regular reading sessions with your family.
  • Adult literacy classes.
  • Garbage management in your locality
  • Plastic management in your neighbourhood.


  • Music
  • Yoga
  • Art
  • Reading in Malayalam / English
  • A Design Course
  • Commerce, Accounts, Stocks and Shares
  • Physical Fitness
  • Cooking, Catering and Serving
  • A Computer Course
  • Sewing
  • An Automobile Workshop


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കളരി (Kalari) Play School

Our Play School for 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 year olds.

For Admission