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PKDM Online Acceptable Use Policy

Parents - Please read the following carefully and have a conversation with your child regarding appropriate use of PKDM Online and being a good eCitizen.

Terms and Conditions

1) Acceptable Use - The purpose of the PKDM Online platform is to help and support educational purposes by providing access to resources and the opportunity for collaborative work.

  1. Any application within PKDM Online may not be used to upload, download, or distribute defamatory, pornographic, obscene, sexually explicit, threatening, bullying or any other illegal material.
  2. Do not use the network in a way that it disrupts the use of the network by other users (e.g. sending mass E-mail messages or annoying other users using unprofessional practices). It should be used only for academic practice directly related to school assignments and extracurricular projects supervised by school faculty.
  3. Transmission of any material in violation of any law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret or material protected by other people using the network and should not subscribe to Internet mailing lists, distribution lists or Usenet Newsgroups.
  4. The School will not be responsible for any loss of data resulting from the use of the PKDM Online platform.
  5. Do not reveal personal addresses, phone numbers or passwords of scholars, mentors or other staff of the School including your own to others.
  6. Use of the network to access or process pornographic materials, sexually explicit material, materials depicting extreme violence and files dangerous to any individual or group is strictly prohibited.
  7. Attempts to modify, remove or bypass configurations installed on the PKDM Online platform is forbidden. Such violations shall result in cancellation of usage privileges and will be dealt with as such by the Principal and management of the School. This will result in IMMEDIATE loss of access.
  8. The users hereby authorize the School to use any software for the purpose of facilitating online learning.
  9. The users shall not hold the School responsible for any losses suffered by them due to the use of the PKDM Online platform.
  10. The PKDM Online platform shall not be used for any illegal purposes or activities and shall not be used in any illegal manner.
  11. No user shall record or take any photos, videos or screenshots of the PKDM Online platform or of any of the activities that take place therein.
  12. The users hereby agree to indemnify the School of any losses that the School may suffer due to the user's breach of any of the terms contained herein.

2) Login ID – Users may only access the school network via their own, unique user ID. This ID may only be used by the person for whom it was created. It is the user’s responsibility to keep the password to their account confidential. The user will be held responsible for any actions carried out with their account. Use of someone else’s account will result in that account and your account being suspended. Users shall not seek passwords belonging to other users or misrepresent other users on PKDM Online.

3) Netiquette - You are expected to follow the generally accepted rules of "network etiquette". These include (but are not limited to) the following: Be polite, Do not write or send abusive or bullying messages to others, Use appropriate language, Do not swear, use vulgarities, or use inappropriate language. Other people’s e-mail communications and information, stored on the network should be assumed to be private property and not accessed or used without their permission.

4) E-mail – Over and above the points mentioned under “Netiquette”, users are not permitted to send spam. School e-mail may only be used for school related purposes.

5) Usage of personal hardware – All Electronic devices such as mobile phones, walkmans, i-pods, laptops, electronic games, cameras etc. are not permitted on campus. Personal electronic devices that are confiscated will only be returned to parents, after a fine has been paid to the accounts office. Personal electronic devices may be used on special occasions with the permission of the Principal. A calculator and a watch are considered necessities.

6) Student photos & work - Pallikoodam reserves the right to take photos and videos of activities and children participating in our school activities for purposes of news, record keeping and publicity purposes. By enrolling a child in Pallikoodam you give your consent for photos and videos to be taken of your child and for these photos and videos to possibly be published online or in print. If you do not want photos and videos of your children to be published then you need to let the school know in writing. As with photos and videos, in order to show the success of our students, Pallikoodam reserves the right to publish students’ work both online and in print. Students not wanting their work to be published will need to let the school know in writing.

The School places ownership on all data stored on PKDM Online and has the right and capabilities to monitor at all times and log instances of PKDM Online usage. With that understanding, School will cooperate fully with local, state or Central Govt agency officials in any investigation concerning or relating to any illegal activities conducted through the PKDM Online platform. The School may take any one or more of the following actions in response to complaints and violations:

  • Issue warnings: written or verbal
  • Suspend or terminate the student’s account
  • Bring legal action to enjoin violations and/or to collect damages, if any, caused by violations

Violation of these policies may subject students to strict disciplinary procedures including termination. From time to time, the Network Administrator will make a review whether specific uses of the PKDM Online are consistent with the acceptable use and practice.

In the most serious case, Pallikoodam will refer the matter to the Police or other appropriate authorities to deal with.

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