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ISC students have the freedom to choose subjects of their liking. They are not straitjacketed into fixed combinations. Therefore, a Science student can take Economics with his/her Science subjects and Commerce students with Elective English/ Physical Education and Humanities student with Art/Psychology/Commerce.

The school offers the following courses for study in ISC which are English (compulsory) and four other subjects that form an accepted group. A ‘group’ is a set of subjects which are generally studied together to gain admission to Universities. Students may, however, opt for any subjects provided they fit our time table. Math is a useful subject which may be added to any group to make it the fourth subject. A student may opt for a maximum of six subjects. The minimum is four.

Group 1
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
Group 2
Commerce, Accountancy,Economics
Group 3
History, Political Science, Economics

Special Electives

Literature in English                  Fine Arts
Physical Education                    Malayalam
Computer Science                      Mathematics          Psychology

Students may opt for special electives paying tutors directly for instruction. Payment will vary according to the number of students taking a particular subject.
A student must take a minimum of FIVE subjects which must include COMPULSORY ENGLISH . The maximum number of subjects which may be taken is SEVEN of which three must form an accepted group.
A Second Language is not compulsory in Plus Two according to Council Regulations but a language may be taken as a subject.
Students who have Dance, Drama and other skills are preferred by universities of International repute.

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കളരി (Kalari) Play School

Our Play School for 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 year olds.

For Admission